GREAT NEWS!! I released a new version of metasim. It does not contain any relevant new feature, but it can now work with gcc 3.2. Also, many bug fixes, and a new installation procedure. Check out the download page!!

Welcome to the the home page of the MetaSim project. MetaSim is a C++ library for discrete event simulation. It is possible to build libraries of classes for simulating the most different systems based on MetaSim. Two examples are RTSim and FTRSim.

The MetaSim library is an Open Source Project. Soon it will be distributed under the GNU Public License.

The MetaSim library is now beta 0.7. This means that, if you are interested in using and experimenting with this software, we encourage you to download and play with it and use it for you simulation needs. We are interested in you comments suggestions and bug reports. If you want to get involved in further developments of the project, please contact us!

Latest news:

In the latest release, we use the cephes numeric library to generate the Gaussian distribution. It is possible to disable this support modifying a simple configuration file (
Author: Giuseppe Lipari