The statistical classes

The basic statistical class
Some typical statistic classes (level 1)
Output for gnuplot
This file contains the basic classes for implementing statistical processing. The class tree is the following:
# lev 0             BaseStat                      
#                /     |       \                  
#               /      |        \                 
#              /       |         \                
# lev 1     StatMax   StatMin   StatMean ...       
#           /   \                                  
#          /     \                                
# lev 2 StatTask1 StatTask2  ...     ...           
Level 0 (BaseStat) cannot be changed: it implements the functions for doing statistic: it is initialized with the number of experiments to be done, and has an array where the data are recorded at the end of the simulation. It has two pure virtual function, probe() and record(), so no object of this class can be instanciated. It has some function to get the final stats (like getMean and getConfInterval). Level 1 (StatMax ...) implements the function for collecting statistic; for example, the StatMax class record the maximum value during an experiment. The user can add his own classes to this level, and he must implement the record() function and the initValue() function. Level 2 implements the probe() for a single event. The user must write entirely this level, depending on the variable he needs to measure. When implementing a class of this level, the user must write the probe function, which has to call the record() function with the appropriate value. For example, if we want to measure the maximum release time of task1 the we need to write:
#   class StatFT_Task1 : public StatMax {
#       ...
#       virtual void probe() {
#           record(task1.release);
#       };
#       ...
#   };

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling